2023 CESU Project Award awarded to National Resources Inventory (NRI)

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units National Network (CESU) presented the 2023 CESU Project Award to individuals and projects, including the National Resources Inventory. 

The 2023 CESU Project Award was given to the Natural Resources Inventory (NRI).  This award recognizes the efforts of all NRCS, all Iowa State University CSSM staff, faculty and graduate students, for their hard work and dedication.  


Iowa State University CSSM and NRCS have had a longstanding cooperative agreement extending back to the 1940's. CSSM has provided exemplary work to the NRI during this time.  





The NRI is a nationwide longitudinal survey (dating to 1982) to assess the status, condition and trends of soil, water and related resources on nonfederal lands. Staff at ISU's Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service have collaborated on the inventory since its inception.

The CESU National Awards were established in 2003 to recognize individuals, groups of individuals, institutions, and/or projects within the CESU Network that have contributed substantially to the development, implementation, or accomplishments of the CESU Network.