Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll

Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll

As described on the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll’s website:

The Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll was established in 1982 to provide timely and relevant information on agriculture and rural life. Generally known simply as “The Farm Poll,” it is an annual survey of Iowa farmers. It is a cooperative project between the Iowa State University Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, ISU Extension Service and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. The annual survey is managed by ISU Extension Sociology. The overall objective of the Farm Poll is to understand how the ongoing changes in Iowa’s agriculture and rural areas affect farmers and rural society as a whole. 

Primary Investigators: J. Gordon Arbuckle, Professor of Sociology at Iowa State University
Project Partners/Funders: The ISU Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, ISU Extension Service and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
SRS Project Manager: Allison Anderson
Modes: Web and mail surveys

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