About CSSM
The Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology (CSSM) began as the Survey Section of the Statistical Laboratory in 1938 as a result of a cooperative agreement between the Statistical Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Initial work under this agreement led to the development of the Master Sample of Agriculture, a national area sample of land which was subsequently utilized in numerous economic surveys of American agriculture. Research was also conducted that provided the foundation for area sampling methods and statistical estimation for sample surveys.
CSSM has continued to develop expertise in the technical and operational aspects of sample surveys. Its core operation is to service the National Resource Inventory (NRI) in collaboration with the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service. Other operations include research consultation, proposal development, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection (handheld devices, online, mail, phone, in person), focus groups, data processing, data management, software development, statistical inference, and statistical data integration.
Our History
Our Mission

To be a national and international leader in survey statistics and data science research.

To advance the field of survey statistics through education at both undergraduate and graduate level.

To provide complete data science support and service in survey design, data collection,
data management, statistical inference, and statistical data integration.
Services, Research, and Education
Data Science Services (DSS)
The Data Science Services branch within CSSM serves the statistical needs of the legislatively mandated National Resources Inventory (NRI), which USDA-NRCS conducts in collaboration with CSSM. This large longitudinal survey assesses conditions and trends for soil, water and related natural resources on U.S. non-federal lands. Besides its over eight decades of collaboration with USDA, CSSM-DSS is also a reliable provider of broader statistical, software, and Geographic Information System (GIS) services for all levels of government agencies, organizations, campus communities, and beyond.
Survey Research Services (SRS)
Survey Research Services staff provide consulting and direct assistance in all aspects of sample surveys involving human populations. The SRS team provides services such as design and selection of samples, construction of questionnaires and related forms, data collection, data processing, and data summarization.
Research and Education
CSSM is one of only a few organizations in the United States that specializes in the research and practice of survey sampling. CSSM carries out the educational component of its mission in collaboration with the Statistics Department of the Iowa State University, wherein CSSM Faculty teach graduate level and upper undergraduate level survey statistics and mentor prospective survey statisticians and data scientists. CSSM Faculty, research assistants, and staff are involved in cooperative agreements with a variety of federal, state agencies, and organizations, such as the USDA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.