
  • Stat Lab Founded

    1933 - The first Statistical Laboratory (Stat Lab) of the United States was established at Iowa State College with George W. Snedecor as its founding director. Other giants in statistics who taught at Stat Lab included R. A. Fisher and William G. Cochran.

  • Survey Section of the Stat Lab

    1938 - The Survey Section of Stat Lab was established as a part of a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). 

  • In-person Surveys

    1940s - The Survey Section began in-person surveys 

  • Master Sample of Agriculture

    1944 - The Survey Section developed the Master Sample of Agriculture in collaboration with the USDA and the U.S. Census Bureau. A national area sample of land featuring random sampling, it provided the foundation for area sampling methods and statistical estimation for sample surveys. It has been subsequently utilized in numerous surveys of American agriculture.

  • The National Resources Inventory (NRI)

    1956 - The Survey Section developed statistical sampling procedures used in the 1958 Conservation Needs Inventory (CNI) for the USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS, which later become the Natural Resources Conservation Services, or NRCS).

    1977 - CNI became the National Resources Inventory (NRI). 

    Work on the NRI is legislatively mandated and continues today.


  • 1960s: U.S. Census Bureau

    Long-term research with U.S. Census Bureau on sampling and methodology began. 

  • 1970s: National Soils Database, Telephone Surveys

    1970 - The Survey Research Services (SRS) unit of Stat Lab added telephone based surveys. 

    1972 - The Survey Section developed the National soils database with the USDA-SCS.

  • Farm Bills Supported by the NRI, Remote Sensing

    1985 - The first congressional Farm Bill that made significant use of the National Resources Inventory estimates.

    1987 - Remote sensing first used to collect a portion of the NRI data.

  • 1990s: NCI, CDC, NIH, Full Computer-based data collection of NRI, CATI Lab

    SRS initiated multi-year surveys with the National Cancer Institute, the Centers for Disease Control, and the National Institute of Health. 

    Remote sensing and computer based data collection were fully implemented across the NRI.

    SRS established the Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Lab. 


  • Annualize the NRI

    2000 - NRI data collection was converted from five year survey cycle to an annual cycle. 

  • Rename to CSSM

    2002 - The Survey Section of the Stat Lab officially became the Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology (CSSM).

  • Online Surveys

    2003 - SRS began using online surveys.

  • Geospatial Information Systems, CEAP

    2003 - CSSM began to provide statistical and software support to multi-year Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP).

    2004 - CSSM and National Resources Conservation Service developed Geospatial inventory techniques.


  • NRI: Digitized Soil Infomation

    2010 - NRI started including point locations integrated with digitized soil information.

  • 2010s: BLM, CSAFE

    CSSM began to provide statistical and software support to multi-year Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Rangeland Surveys.

    CSSM started to build customized applications and software for the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence.

    The team that focuses on the National Resources Inventory at CSSM started to be called Data Science Services (DSS).