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  • Grocery basket with produce

    INFEWS PROJECT (2020 - ongoing)

    The INFEWS project seeks to collect the perspectives of both Iowa farmers and consumers in order to develop a framework for analysis of food, energy, and water systems for the greater Des Moines area.

    In early spring of 2020, SRS moderated in-person focus groups with commodity, specialty, and urban farmers in the greater Des Moines area. Consumers within the same region engaged in online focus groups later in spring of 2020.

  • Land Ownership Survey

    Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey 

    A Study of Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure is conducted every 5 years for the Iowa Legislature.

    The Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey has been conducted by Iowa State University over the past 60 years. The study is now conducted every 5 years, using an area sample designed to identify characteristics of Iowa farmland owners as well as changes in the size of agricultural land holdings, land use, and types of ownership.





  • Iowa Nutrient Management Survey


    Iowa is a leading agricultural state, producing more corn, soybean, hogs and eggs than any other state, and is a major producer of numerous other commodities.  That productivity comes with some costs in the form of negative environmental impacts.  Of particular concern is nutrient and soil loss from farm fields into Iowa’s waterways. 

  • ISU Administrative Web Surveys


    SRS routinely conducts a wide range of web surveys for Iowa State University administration, departments, and affiliated units.

    SRS routinely conducts a wide range of web surveys for Iowa State University administration, departments, and affiliated units.  A selection of recent surveys is listed below:

  • Seat Belt Use


    In an effort to achieve greater consistency and comparability in state-wide seat belt use reporting, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued new requirements in 2011 for observing and reporting future seat belt use.  The requirements included the involvement of a qualified statistician in the sampling and weighting portions of the process as well as a variety of operational details.

  • Student Success System (SSS)

    The Student Success System, or Triple-S, is designed to promote student success by promoting skills and by preventing substance use and related problem behaviors, such as aggression, fighting and delinquency. 

  • Well-Managed Schools Project


    Well-Managed Schools is a widely used manualized classroom management program adapted from the Teaching Family Model (Wolf et al., 1976) for use in general education classrooms. WMS uses the approach of embedding social skills instruction into daily instructional activities and using naturalistic opportunities to re-teach skills using the teaching interactions.   The purpose of this project is to provide evidence of the impact of WMS on teachers' classroom management practices and the effect of those practices on student social and academic outcomes.

  • Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System


    The Iowa Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System is an ongoing, two-part survey of Iowa teens and Iowa educators, which collects data on 1) youth health, 2) school health policies, and 3) school health education. This longitudinal study is conducted in all fifty states, and is composed of two bi-annual questionnaires: The Youth Risk Behavior Survey and The School Health Profiles. The YRBSS is a source of nationally comparable adolescent health data.

    The Youth Risk Behavior Survey is a bi-annual questionnaire targeting randomly-selected 9 - 12 grade students in roughly 35 randomly-sampled schools throughout the state of Iowa. The YRBS aims to identify health behavioral trends in Iowa teens.

  • Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll


    IOWA FARM AND RURAL LIFE POLL (2019 - ongoing)

    As described on the Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll’s website: